Curve Foundation
The Curve Foundation was established in 2014 by Camilla, Rob, Paul and Iain with the purpose of giving back to the wider community and promoting diversity in the television industry. In addition to our ongoing support for a range of charities, including Dementia research and treatment, asylum seekers, mentoring for disadvantaged youth and homelessness support, our primary aim is to promote and champion disadvantaged youngsters who are keen to enter the world of content production. We have pioneered numerous partnerships and workshops such as our ‘Getting into TV’ programme with students from the City and Islington Sixth Form College. We intend to build on this work over the coming years.

Creative Access
We have a long-standing partnership with Creative Access which enables us to offer 3 junior roles within the company using the Government's ‘Kickstart' scheme. The programme supports people from under-represented groups to secure careers and opportunities within the creative economy.

(Sustainable Production Certificate)
We promote a sustainable approach across all our productions and company activities through our ‘Green Curve’ initiative and are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. All our production and senior management team have completed training with Albert, the Bafta-led consortium set up to support the film and tv industry to bring about positive environmental change, and every possible production undergoes Albert certification.